Have The Illuminati Been Monopolizing Ancient Technology?

I had few meetings with various self-described members of the “Illuminati” in April, 2010. I have been told about how they have monopolized powerful ancient technologies in order to enforce their secret rule over humanity. In fact they have even provided me with several books describing in exact detail how to summon various entities who control primeval forces. According to them, if a modern human goes to visit a primitive tribe and shows them something like a pair of binoculars, then it will seem like magic to those people. In the same manner, they say, their ancient technologies will seem like magic to us.

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The Jason Group

The JASON Society, or JASON Scholars, takes its name from the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and it is a branch of the Order of the Quest, one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati. The golden fleece takes on the role of truth to the JASON members while Jason represents the search for truth.

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