Obama’s Fake War against ISIS

According to figures released by U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), the U.S. and its coalition partners have struck 10,684 targets including 3,262 ISIS buildings, 119 commandeered tanks, 1,202 vehicles and 2,577 fighting positions. Those buildings (including residential areas) was part of the civilian infrastructure of Iraq and Syria. The number of  targets struck suggests an intense carpet bombing campaign geared towards the destruction of both Iraq and Syria.

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ISIS –An American-CIA-Mossad-Saudi Intel Covert Operation

On the ominous thirteenth anniversary of the 9/11 WTC false flag terror attacks that set the stage for a perpetual state of warfare, terror & chaos, Obama once again is set to launch another series of wars. ISIS provides the perfect raison d’etre for the re-intervention of the US-Nato occupation forces in Iraq, Syria & the Middle-East region.

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The Illuminati always win The Election

The U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first ballot was cast. The whole voting system is rigged by the Illuminati to keep their control of the People in so-called democratic societies. See report HERE

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The Illuminati staged US President Election

It is not the American people who choose the President and Vice President of the United States of America, but rather the super secret shadow government called the Illuminati/New World Order who choose them.

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The Dawn of a New 30 Years’ Crisis

After a few highly turbulent months, the Trump era ended on January 20, 2021. But the past four years have not only demonstrated that the United States is losing its ability to control the global system, but it has also made it clear that the domestic order is beginning to deteriorate back home. A much more painful period awaits America and the global system in the years ahead.

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Can Vaccine Diplomacy Shape a New World Order?

The coronavirus has catalyzed many global shifts and exposed growing rifts in society. Along with increasing unrest and separation amongst its domestic population, the role of the United States as the leader in the international community has been called into question. Coinciding with more American threats for unilateral withdrawal from global partnerships is the rise of China as a viable option for geostrategic leadership.

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The New World Order That President Biden Will Inherit

There is much that Mr. Biden can do in his first 100 days. He has already vowed to promptly rejoin the Paris accord on climate change and to make climate action central to his administration. He has declared his intention to restore the United States’ relationship with the World Health Organization, signaling that the United States will join forces with the rest of the world to halt the rampage of the coronavirus.

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Welcome to the post Covid New World Order

Welcome to the New Communism. Local councils have been granted new powers by Government to demolish buildings contaminated with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing Covid-19.

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America Has No Reason to Be So Powerful

The next president, whoever he is, will not determine the future of America’s role in the world. Joe Biden does not recognize there is a problem. President Trump has no answers.

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Proxy War Vs Emerging New World Order

Global dynamics with respect to external political, economic and social factors have continued to test Pakistan’s resolve as a viable State. The country is passing through various intrigues and selfish politics externally, which seems to be pushing Pakistan towards unprecedented crises and instabilities. Let the nation realise the facts post visits of PM Modi and Imran Khan followed by Israeli PM to USA. USA still keeps its role active in Afghanistan while India continues to throw splinters on Afghan peace processes.

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