Adam Weishaupt was basically a Jew, converted to become a Catholic Priest and ended up starting a new secret society called the Illuminati. During Weishaupt’s lifetime this organization was revealed in public. It’s unclear if he was the master-mind behind it, but most researchers, including myself, are more or less certain that Weishaupt was just a puppet for the Freemasonic Elite.


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men

May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry’s Luciferic New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was founded on a mixture of Masonic secrets(–Luciferic Doctrine–), Islamic Mysticism(–Sufism–), and Jesuit mental discipline(–Hatha Yoga–). A unique and dangerous element was it’s scientific use of the drug, hashish, to produce an “illuminated” state of mind–derived directly through the Knights Templar’s association with the Order of the Assassins (circa 1050 AD).

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