The Illuminati Breeding Ground

Oxford University is the center of a nexus that dictates and manipulates what is taught to students at all levels of education. It is controlled through a network of organizations, including the Round Table secret society created by followers of the Oxford University professor, John Ruskin.

The most prominent of these Ruskin groupies was Cecil Rhodes, the first head of the Round Table, and banker Alfred Milner, who replaced him. Both of these men grotesquely abused the black people of Southern Africa and paved the way for apartheid.

The Round Table is at the center of a network that includes the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States (CFR), the US-based Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Bilderberg Group (Bil). These groups have among their membership the top people in global politics, business, banking, the media, military, education, etc., and they co-ordinate a common policy and agenda between apparently unconnected people, countries, and organizations.

The Round Table was hatched at Oxford University and when Rhodes died in 1902 he left money in his will to fund “Rhodes Scholarships” that take overseas students to Oxford. These Rhodes Scholars return to their own countries and again and again end up in positions of power. Bill Clinton and the former Australian Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, are but two examples.

The Round Table is itself part of a much bigger web and its agenda is for a global centralized fascist state with a world government, central bank, currency, army, and a micro-chipped population connected to a global computer. Now look around you with open eyes and open minds and you can see that this structure is unfolding so fast. The European Union was vital to this plan and this is why so many operatives for the groups outlined above have been involved in its creation – many of them Oxford students together going back to the Second World War. The reason for the obsession with centralization is obvious. If you are a few who wish to control the lives of billions, the last thing you want is diversity of decision-making.

There are simply too many people and locations to control. Instead you need to centralize the key decisions and the more you centralize, the more power you have to increase the pace of centralization. This is why centralization in all areas of life, politics, business, banking, media, military, has quickened with every year. The control of “education” is vital to this agenda. In fact, the aim of this network is not “education“, but indoctrination. The idea is turn out adults who see life and history in a way that maintains the population in subservience and ignorance.

This allows the network or Illuminati to advance its agenda without challenge from the mass of the population. The technique to achieve this is very straightforward and has proved to be stunningly effective over thousands of years. The media do this every day and so the public are constantly misled about world events, people in the news, and so on. Education is precisely the same. If you wanted to create a structure in which you could indoctrinate young people into your way of thinking, what would be the idea way of achieving this? To have control of what those young minds see and hear day after day for the first 18 years+ of their lives. And that is precisely what we have with today’s education system.

Now that would be OK if the children and students were given all information available and encouraged to think for themselves. But so often, to pass exams and progress within the system, you have to tell the system what it wants to hear – the system’s version of reality. The education system, with Oxford at its center, is little more than a propaganda ministry designed to turn out adults who think correctly. As with all mind manipulation, they offer carrots and sticks to encourage compliance. Students are rewarded for submitting to the system’s version of events, while those who challenge and question are marginalized, not least by low grades.

The other prime role of Oxford is to take selected students and prepare them for life as an operative for the network, or Illuminati, within politics, business, finance, the media, etc. The Rhodes Scholars are an example of this. Such selected students get lucky and enter positions of power because doors open for them that are denied to the, literally, unitiated.

His name was Harold Wilson

Wilson was Prime Minister for the period 1964 to 1976, except for four years when his friend at Oxford, Ted Heath (Bil), took over between 1970 and 74. Dr Little says that when she made her story public, the Daily Express writer of intelligence exposes, Chapman Pincher, showed a copy of her allegations to Harold Wilson.

William Beveridge was Wilson’s economics master at Oxford and, Dr. Little says, he was little more than a figurehead who put his name to it. On the surface the report was admirable in many ways, but from the perspective of today it can be seen to have wider implications. It created dependency and control, while destroying opportunities for self-reliance and independence outside the elite-controlled system. Now that dependency has been created the Welfare State is being dismantled and much of what is left is being handed over to privatization.

Wilson resigned abruptly in 1976 and was replaced by Jim Callaghan (Bil), who became a joint president of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. His fellow presidents were Lord Carrington (TC and Bilberberg chairman) and Harold Wilson’s former Chancellor and Home Secretary, Lord (Roy) Jenkins (TC, Bil), who, with Lord David Owen (TC, Bil), Bill Rogers (Bil), and Shirley Williams, left the Labor Party in the early 1980s to form a center party, the SDP, now the Liberal Democrats.

All these people worked closely with another prominent member of the Labor Government under Harold Wilson and James Callaghan. This was the BilderbergerTrilateralist, chairman of the International Monetary Fund Interim Committee, and council member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Denis Healey. All of these people were heavily involved with Ted Heath in taking the UK into the European Community.

When they were in the highest political offices in the land, if Wilson, Heath, Jenkins, and Healey, ever got together and pondered on the remarkable twist of destiny that led four people who were at Oxford University in the same period to become the leading political names of the 1960s and 70s, just as the United Kingdom was committing itself to the European Community.

Indeed Jenkins would go on to be president of the European Commission and Heath would take the UK into the community, now union. Wilson, Healey (Balliol), Jenkins (Balliol) and Heath (Balliol), are such an inspiration to us all. In the same period, the Liberal Party leaders also did Oxford proud in the form of Jo Grimond (Balliol and Bil), and Jeremy Thorpe (Trinity College), the author of the book, Europe: The Case for Going in.

Lord Jenkins also went on, of course, to become Chancellor of Oxford University. He has also been described as something of a guru to UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Today Blair is another center ground extremist in Downing Street who is pressing for the UK to join the Euro and concede what is left of its independence to the Illuminati-controlled super state. Blair received a law degree in 1975 from St. John’s College at Oxford University and is a member of the Bilderberg Group, as is his mentor, Peter Mandelson, and his chancellor, Gordon Brown.

Oxford University is a nexus for the control of what is “taught” in education and a breeding ground for the Illuminati placemen and women of the next generation. The vast majority of students are not aware of this because they are not the chosen ones and even many of those who are chosen, overwhelmingly by bloodline, have no idea until much later why they found fortune smiling upon them.

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